
20 Hal Mengenai What Is A California Condor

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What Is A California Condor

20 Hal Mengenai What Is A California Condor | Kondor California

  1. Thousands of years ago, California condors lived in many parts of North America, from California and other Pacific states to Texas, Florida, and New York. In recent centuries, this large vulture was found by early explorers and settlers from British Columbia in Canada to Baja California in Mexico. As people settled the West, they often shot, poisoned, captured, and disturbed the condors, collected their eggs, and reduced their food supply of antelope, elk, and other large wild animals. Eventually, condors could no longer survive in most places. By the late 1900s the remaining individuals were limited to the mountainous parts of southern California, where they fed on dead cattle, sheep, and deer. Source: Internet
  2. Tahun lepas, dalam satu perkembangan yang paling ketara dalam sejarah pemuliharaan condor, ahli perundangan California meluluskan rang undang-undang yang menyekat peluru utama. Walaupun lobi melancarkan serangan senjata dengan kuat, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger menandatangani undang-undang yang memerlukan penggunaan peluru bukan untuk memburu permainan besar di California. Larangan itu berkuat kuasa pada bulan Julai. Source: Internet
  3. Condor nest sites are in cliff caves in the mountains. Some condors have nested in large cavities in the trunks of giant sequoia redwood trees. Nesting condors raise only one chick at a time. The four-inch long egg is laid in late winter or spring, and it takes two months to hatch. It takes more than a year from the time the egg is laid until the young bird has learned to live on its own. Source: Internet
  4. Sebelum tergesa-gesa emas, penduduk condor California telah stabil selama beribu-ribu tahun. Burung-burung, dengan sayap sembilan dan setengah kaki, melonjak ke banyak Barat. Tetapi bermula pada pertengahan 1800-an, kemasukan peneroka baru yang besar meninggikan ekologi rantau ini dan condor mula terjun ke arah kepupusan. Menembak, mengumpul telur dan keracunan terutamanya dari serpihan peluru utama dalam permainan pemburu ditumpaskan penduduk. Menjelang tahun 1982, hanya 22 kondom kekal. Source: Internet
  5. "Baiklah, di sini kita pergi, " katanya. Ahli pasukan mengetatkan pegangan mereka, dan Burnett menjatuhkan jarum ke kaki burung. The condor flinched. Source: Internet
  6. From the Spring 2022 issue of Living Bird magazine. Subscribe now. Originally published April 4, 2002; updated May 2022 to reflect that two condors had been successfully released on Yurok lands. Source: Internet
  7. Mengejutkan bahawa burung terbesar negara kita sedang dalam perjalanan menjadi relik muzium, satu pasukan saintis memulakan salah satu program pemulihan yang paling kontroversial dan berprofil tinggi dalam sejarah pemuliharaan. Mereka menawan setiap kondisinya di alam liar dan menubuhkan program pembiakan tawanan. Program Pemulihan Condor sejak itu telah meningkatkan populasi condor ke parasnya saat ini lebih dari 300 ekor burung. Sekitar 150 kondom ini telah dikeluarkan untuk terbang percuma di California, Arizona, Utah dan Baja California. Source: Internet
  8. Condor 208 hampir tidak terselamat keracunan plumbum besar-besarannya. Selepas dia mengalami lima minggu pemulihan di Kebun Binatang Los Angeles, doktor haiwan melepaskannya kembali ke pergunungan yang ditutupi kapel berhampiran Big Sur. Kemudian, pada musim bunga tahun 2007, Condor 208 dan pasangan berada di tebing pasir jauh, dan dia melahirkan anak ayam yang pertama dilahirkan di Central California dalam lebih dari 100 tahun. The condor bayi bernama Centennia. Source: Internet
  9. Kerana larangan peluru utama begitu baru, Joe Burnett masih perlu menguji kondom untuk keracunan plumbum. Tetapi dia berharap bahawa suatu hari dia dapat mengetepikan makmal darah dan medan medannya. Buat pertama kali dalam beberapa dekad, prospek condor kelihatan lebih cerah. Source: Internet
  10. The California condor, Gymnogyps californianus, is one of the largest flying birds in the world. When it soars, the wings spread more than nine feet from tip to tip. Condors may weigh more than 20 pounds. The male Andean condor of South America is even larger than our California condor. Both are endangered species. Source: Internet
  11. Compounding these problems was the condors’ slow rate of reproduction. They only lay one egg per nesting attempt, usually in a cave on a cliff face, but sometimes in tree stumps of redwoods. It takes a year for a young condor to be fully independent of its parents, and because of this long caring period, egg-laying does not occur every year. A condor takes anywhere from six to eight years to reach maturity, but if they can avoid man-made dangers, they can live up to 60 years. Source: Internet
  12. This effort is directed toward developing two distinct reproducing populations in the wild and one in captivity, with at least 150 individuals in each. Until then, the condor population would still be in danger of extinction. It will take many years before we will know whether the condor population will be able to survive. Source: Internet
  13. California Condors nest in remote locations that are hard to access, but they travel widely in search of food. If you’re within range of condors in central California (the Big Sur coast or Pinnacles National Monument), southern California (inland from Ventura in the Sespe wilderness), or around the Grand Canyon, keep your eyes peeled for large, dark soaring birds. Study them closely to make sure they don’t teeter like a vulture, and check their proportions to help rule out buteos, eagles, and small planes. Most condors have a large tag on the wing for tracking. Source: Internet
  14. Condors can soar and glide for hours without beating their wings. After rising thousands of feet overhead on air currents, California condors will glide long distances, sometimes at more than 55 miles per hour. From the air, they search for dead animals, like deer or cattle. They feed only on carrion (dead animals that they find). Source: Internet
  15. And then for the next 20 years, the Yurok Tribe and Redwood National Park plan to release an additional six condors every year. Each bird will be monitored daily, with satellite- and radio-transmitters and with visual identifi­cation via wing tags. The condors will be trapped at least twice every year to assess potential lead contamination or other health or behavioral issues, and to maintain the monitoring equipment. We are currently partnering with our local Sequoia Park Zoo to build a Condor Care Center for nearby triage and treatment, as well as coordinating with a variety of veterinary facilities along the West Coast to provide care for these treasured condors throughout their ranges. As our condor program manager Chris West often says, “it takes a village to raise a condor”—and we are grateful beyond words for all the support we have and will continue to receive. Source: Internet
  16. It was hoped that by raising young condors and releasing them to the wild, the species would be given another chance. But, nobody knew for sure whether captive breeding would be successful. It didn't take long to find out. Source: Internet
  17. Four years ago, I was at the summit of remote Big Pine Mountain, the tallest peak in Santa Barbara County, helping conduct a bird survey. As I scanned the surrounding mountains, I saw a huge bird with widely fingered wing tips soaring toward me. A condor! It was a youngster with a gray head and without the white triangles on the underwing. It made a couple of passes over the summit before heading out to the north. Source: Internet
  18. You can see live footage of a captive California condor nest during the breeding season at San Diego Zoo Global. You can visit the Facebook page, The Condor Cave, to see live footage of a free-flying condor nest, or visit Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge webcam. You can view images of free-flying condors at Pinnacles National Park. Source: Internet
  19. In 1980, a major recovery plan went into effect, with captive breeding initiated at several zoos, and in 1992, two birds were released back into the wild in Ventura County, and since then, there have been steady reintroductions in other parts of the west. There are now more than 500 condors in existence, and more than 300 of those are now free-flying. Reliable places to see condors are the Grand Canyon, Big Sur, and Pinnacles National Park. Or, if you like a really close look, our very own Santa Barbara Zoo has a few condors on display. Source: Internet
  20. I managed to shoot a couple of photos of the bird and could partially make out the numbers on the wing tags. Later, I was able to get information from condor researchers in the area who’d been keeping tabs on this bird. It turned out that the bird I’d seen was one of the first to have hatched in the wild since the reintroduction program began — a bird that had not known captivity! We can hope that the conservation program continues to succeed, and that condors will once again be a regular sight, soaring with ease over our backcountry. Source: Internet

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# Video | What Is A California Condor

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# Images | What Is A California Condor - Sejarah California

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I am an experienced writer with a passion for writing. I have been published in various magazines and online journals, and have had several books of poetry published. I enjoy hiking and spending time with family and friends.
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